How to deploy artifact to the Maven Central Repository

It was quite a long time ago when I wrote the last blog post. Sometimes it just takes time till inspiration finds you… but do not rush forward!
Last year I promised: I will report about growing tomatoes and I keep my word.


You have built something niche and you want to give back something to the community, right? Even if the idea (and the implementation) is revolutionary it will not be used by anyone if it is not accessible somehow. To be concrete: if we talk about a jar then this artifact must be available in the Maven Central Repository – or at least in a public repository somewhere. Since Maven Central Repository is the default repo the best is to have our world savior there.

I went through some tutorials but some of them were outdated while others worked only on Linux/Mac. Since I am more a Windows guy I had to walk sometimes in the dark. I do not say that it was difficult but this is something that no one does too frequently thus in a few years when I buy my next notebook I will just scratch my head: what have I done to make it work?


I assume you have a basic understanding of

  • Windows
  • Git
  • Java
  • Maven


  1. Create your account on Github
  2. Upload your Maven project and take java-offline-geoip as an example
  3. Study the pom.xml, the important sections are
    • <version>${semver}</version>
    • <distributionManagement>
    • <scm>
    • <plugin>
    • <plugin>
    • <plugin>
    • <plugin>
    • <plugin>
  4. Create a Sonatype account
  5. Open ticket to create your new project and take mine as an example
  6. Install GnuPG
  7. Create a new key pair with Kleopatra: add your name and email too
    • Remember for your passphrase
    • Make a backup of your key pair
    • Generate a revocation certificate – later you need to edit it manually to avoid accidental use
    • Keep these files in a very safe place
  8. Export your certificate to an OpenPGP Keyserver
    1. Configure Kleopatra by right clicking on its system tray icon
    2. Set OpenPGP Keyserver to hkp://pool.sks-keys under Directory Services
    3. Apply
    4. Open Kleopatra by a single click on the system tray icon
    5. Publish it by right clicking on the certificate and selecting Publish on server…
  9. Create/Edit ~/.m2/settings.xml
    • <settings>
  10. Deploy your artifact: mvn clean deploy scm:tag -Dsemver=0.0.1
    • It will ask for your certificate’s passphrase
    • After you promoted your first release you need to add a comment to your “new project” ticket then central sync will be activated
    • After you successfully release, your component will be published to Maven Central Repository, typically within 10 minutes, though updates to can take up to two hours
    • If the version ends with -SNAPSHOT then it will go to the snapshots repository – but I know you know Maven very well! 😉


I was able to deploy snapshots but somehow I had no rights to deploy releases and encountered the following error:
you have no permissions to stage against profile with ID "62d9bff4b07028"? Get to Nexus admin...
I was not the only one with this so I guess it is a common issue but after opening a Jira ticket it just worked.

Shell overlay icon under Windows in C#/Java

Gardena Urlaubsbewässerungs-Set is up and running. It was easy to install and operate: irrigation of the garden is now automatized however not fully controlled. Fixed amount of water delivered in every 24 hours. I am off to Greece/Croatia in July – and just cannot ask anyone to come to my place every single day.  If they survive my absence then I give you a report in August – after harvesting sweet and juicy tomatoes.



As a developer of myCloud Desktop my mission is to overcome our competitors: Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. The odds are against us but you never know: a year ago, no one thought we would get so far. Our beta period is over and the core functionality, the file synchronization is implemented. It is not perfect, we have some defects but we are on track: from week to week we release a better version of the app. To get to the next level I shared the results of this post with the PO – and he loved it since the product needs better integration to Windows and Mac OS. The app shows the current status, what kind of files are we transferring and how many transfers are pending but… overlay icons are superficially attractive and pleasing to the senses. They are still missing – but not for long.

How to do?

By using an Icon Overlay Handler we can tell Windows whether we want to use a specific icon for a file or not. I attempted to find an out-of-the-box solution and also keep the distance from other programming languages – not because I insist on Java but I did not want to add an another programming language to our already very heterogeneous project. But now I am quite sure that it is almost impossible without making our hands dirty.


  • Create a handler by implementing interface IShellIconOverlayIdentifier
  • Implement business logic in Java and call it from C#
  • Register handler as a COM Server
  • Force icon update from Java

Some trivial and irrelevant code fragments are removed from the code examples below. The complete sample project is available on GitHub:

Create a handler by implementing interface IShellIconOverlayIdentifier

The documentation is clear: a specific interface must be implemented.

 public interface IShellIconOverlayIdentifier
    int IsMemberOf([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string absolutePath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int attributes);

    int GetOverlayInfo(IntPtr iconFileBuffer, int iconFileBufferSize, out int iconIndex, out uint flags);

    int GetPriority(out int priority);

GetOverlayInfo: the fully qualified path of the file containing the icon overlay image.
GetPriority: priority value to the handler’s icon overlay.
IsMemberOf: to determine whether it should display a handler’s icon overlay for a particular object.

ComVisible: indicates that the managed type is visible to COM. By default it is set to true.
ComImport: marks a class as an externally implemented COM class. COM coclasses are represented in C# as classes. These classes must have the ComImport attribute associated with them.
Guid: is used to specify a universally unique identifier (UUID) for a class or an interface.
ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown: indicates that an interface is exposed to COM.
PreserveSig: specifies whether the native return value should be converted from an HRESULT to a .NET Framework exception.

There are four different icons in the sample project and one implementation per icon is required. Repetition is usually bad so extract the shared code into an abstract class.

 public abstract class AbstractOverlayIconHandler : IShellIconOverlayIdentifier
    public static void Register(Type type)
       RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\ " + type.Name);
       registryKey.SetValue(string.Empty, type.GUID.ToString("B").ToUpper());

    public static void Unregister(Type type)
       Registry.LocalMachine.DeleteSubKeyTree(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers\ " + type.Name);

One concrete implementation out of the four.

 public class MyCloud1SyncedOverlayIcon : AbstractOverlayIconHandler
    public MyCloud1SyncedOverlayIcon() : base(@"icon_synced.ico")

    protected override bool IsHandled(string absolutePath, int attributes)
       var fileStatus = SyncRestClient.GetFileStatus(absolutePath);
       return fileStatus == FileStatus.SYNCED;

IsHandled is up to you. In the current implementation we ask a Spring Boot app with an HTTP request to decide. The used icon must be next to the dll. If you want to use an absolute path then modify the constructor in AbstractOverlayIconHandler class accordingly. The Guid of the concrete implementations must be unique.

The handlers must finish with their code as fast as possible: while their code is running the UI will show nothing but white and dummy icons. What if our client app is not running? In every two seconds the handlers (see method CheckSyncClientPort) check whether someone is listening on port 8080 or not. To make it more robust a 2000 ms timeout is also added to the requests. Under normal conditions 1-10 ms is more than sufficient.

Implement business logic in Java and call it from C#

REST provides interoperability between the platforms. In the current implementation the JSON responses are very simple so I was not forced to add or any other JSON framework to the solution thus the C# part depends only on .NET 2.0. It was released in 2005 and it is optional for Windows XP but starting with Windows 7 it is there.

Register handler as a COM Server

It is essential to know what kind of OS are we running on: Windows version (7/8/8.1/10) and both 32 and 64-bit systems are working fine with this example but to support all the combinations 4 different binaries must be compiled and registered respectively. These eye-candy visuals will not be there at all or just will not appear for some apps if you register inappropriately. Elevated privileges or disabled UAC is also necessary to execute the commands.

64-bit explorer with overlay icons on left side and 32-bit Notepad++ without icons on right: inappropriately registered handlers

In AbstractOverlayIconHandler.cs there are two important methods: Register(Type) and Unregister(Type) with attributes ComRegisterFunction and ComUnregisterFunction.

Regasm can register dll to Windows. Windows will invoke the method with ComRegisterFunction attribute. That method will create one registry entry (per icon handler) under SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers. If you have Dropbox/OneDrive/TortoiseSVN/etc installed then you will see the handlers of those other applications too. Unfortunately there is a limitation within Windows: you cannot have more than 15 active handlers at the same time. What happens when we have more? Windows will go in alphabetical order – as a consequence developers started to put spaces in front of registry keys’ name. Today OneDrive has one space and Dropbox two – our one will put four.

.NET runtime is bundled into these Windows versions. While Windows 7 comes with v2.0.50727, Windows 8/8.1/10 come with v4.0.30319. The x64 versions will contain a runtime for x86 and an another for x64.

After registration it is also important to restart explorer.exe and all the applications where we want to see the icons. Or just restart the computer.

 @echo off
 echo Register for Win8/8.1/10 x64
 %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm bin\x64\Debug\JShellOverlayIconHandler.net4.x64.dll /codebase
 echo Kill all explorer.exe instances
 taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
 echo Restart explorer.exe
 echo Done

Unregistration works in the other way: after removing the keys from the registry the explorer and other applications must be restarted. See unregister.win8.71.10.x64.cmd for the details.

Force icon update from Java

Shell32 and its SHChangeNotify method will do the job. I found Java Native Access pretty handy and only some glue code was required:

 public void refreshOverlayIcon(Path path) {
    String absolutePath = path.toFile().getAbsolutePath();
    Pointer filePointer = new NativeString(absolutePath).getPointer();
    Shell32.INSTANCE.SHChangeNotify(new WinDef.LONG(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM), new WinDef.UINT(SHCNF_PATHW), new WinDef.LPVOID(filePointer), new WinDef.LPVOID(Pointer.NULL));

where SHCNE_UPDATEITEM and SHCNF_PATHW are just constants. You cannot pass directly a String reference to Windows so you have to allocate some memory first, write the String/wchar_t* there and pass just a pointer. If you are interested in the details check


  • dll(s) will be locked by Windows after regasm is called, so unregister before rebuild – otherwise Visual Studio will give you an error like this: Unable to copy file “obj\x64\Debug\JShellOverlayIconHandler.dll” to “bin\x64\Debug\JShellOverlayIconHandler.dll”. The process cannot access the file ‘bin\x64\Debug\JShellOverlayIconHandler.dll’ because it is being used by another process.
  • Debugging is difficult. What helped me out in some situations is the Files.AppendAllText method.
  • Use Visual Studio 2017 instead of JetBrains’ Rider. I failed to build 32-bit dll with Rider. I am not blaming it since it is just a pre-release software at the moment. What is more: I switched to VS in 5 minutes.

Large Scale Refactor III. – Maven

Niceties in my life: participating in an another superb wedding party, settling down in an almost new apartment in the heart of the preferred area – Grüezi von Opfikon! – and assembling furnitures there. I dedicate this post to my favorite piece of equipment: Nespresso Inissia and its invigorating effects.
The cover image was taken of the Kapellbrücke during our recent small trip to Luzerne.


Now I have a small bunch of tests so I have a continuously growing and living specification. The following scenarios are supported:

  • moving dependency to a new/existing module (sibling, parent, child)
  • moving all java classes depending – even transitively – on the what if the from does not provide the referenced classes by any other dependency
  • resolving properties in maven coordinate (groupId, artifactId, version) tags even if there are inherited properties
  • dependencyManagement is taken into consideration
  • preliminary check: to might contain what but in this case the version must match otherwise the user is asked to resolve the conflict first
  • give insight to the user about the completed operations via Intellij’s Event Log panel


what: trivial, the dependency you want to move
from: trivial, the maven module that includes the what
as/to: as is referring to a new, non-existing module while to is marking an existing one
parentTo: the parent of the as/to module

Small lessons learned

Do not use together two dependencies where both contain a class with the same FQCN and both contain class with method: void removeIf(Iterable, Predicate). In google-collections it has no modifier so its package-private while the guava provides this as public. This caused a runtime Error sometimes because the classloader found the stricter one:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Z

Spin-off: It should be an easy task to implement a validator by reusing the existing code to cover this scenario but at the moment I do not want to lose the focus.

No automated way to publish to JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Repository

At the moment there is no automated way to publish a new version of a plugin to the official plugin repo  – according to their support page.

Spin-off: Let’s create a Jenkins plugin for this!

Use Idea’s built in diagram drawer

I used an another tool so far: com.github.ferstl:depgraph-maven-plugin. It was easy to integrate into a build process but it is not as handy as a fully integrated solution in an IDE.



Focus on splitting Java classes:
ClassAB depends on DepA and DepB. Let’s move DepB to an another module: split ClassAB into two: ClassA remains in the same place but ClassB must be moved to the new module. Update the dependencies of other modules, fix imports and references in Java classes. The code must compile after the transformation.


Do not think that even the highlighted scenarios are all well-rounded. I track all popping up idea within a Google spreadsheet and it is growing super fast. The more I work on this project the more idea I have and the more I realize how much I do not know about Java and Maven. Most of the time I have nothing but a dim and uncertain assumption.

Large Scale Refactor II. – PoC

After travelling 1.5 hours by public transport from Zürich to Intschi and taking the cable car up to Arnisee the hiking finally started. The top, Sunniggrätli offers not just an amazing view but a small mountain hütte too: I have never had a lunch with such an amazing view. The cover image was taken from the dining table: no filters, no photoshop. At the end of the day we climbed – according to my FitBit Blaze – 296 floors, walked 19.9 Kilometers and burned 5453 calories. We took not just the aching toes home but a lifetime experience too. If you have the opportunity to hike in the Canton of Uri then do not hesitate!

First version

I published what I have so far on GitHub and my mind is really full with TODOs and FIXMEs. At the moment I strongly do not recommend to install it unless you want nothing but play with it.

I called three libraries for help: ShrinkWrap to resolve Maven dependencies, JavaParser and ASM to parse Java source and class files.

Some really basic scenarios are already implemented and covered with automated tests. I had two options: building up an object structure representing the Maven modules then executing the transformation steps on them. The other way is to create real Maven projects: folders and source files on the file system and using them as input and writing the results back to the disk. I voted for the second but implemented a few but real unit tests beside these high level ones.

Jenkins helped me to make the build more environment independent. Some issues immediately popped out: ignoring different line endings (CR, LF) and indentation is now solved.

I am aware of its ugliness


A more aesthetic UI, much more handled scenarios and figure out how to push LSR to JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Repository.

Large Scale Refactor I. – An idea

I am sending out Anmeldeformular für Wohnen, Betreibungsauszug and Kopies auf der Aufenthaltsbewilligung once or sometimes twice each day mostly via e-mail rarely traditional post. Setting up appointments with landlords and actual tenants is my new favorite daily routine. Getting to know the city is just one benefit of searching for a new apartment, however I am now ready to leave behind this joy. Sooner or later it will happen… keep fingers crossed!

The problem

Do you know the single responsibility principle and separation of concerns? Have you ever had a huge and complex module where it – would – took tremendous of time to make the first cut or dependency extraction to simplify it?
Probably after some time you gave up for some reason. Maybe the next super important business feature must be implemented asap… and the code is rotten and more rotten. What if this redesign could be like method renaming? Shift + F6 or Alt + Shift + R!

An example

There is a huge module “core” with many dependencies: logging, persistence, web/servlet, etc…

You want to move all logging related dependencies to a new “core-logging” module. So you select logback-core, logback-classic, slf4j-api, jcl-over-slf4j and with one click they are all moved to a new module as well as all the related classes.

As a next step you will move the hibernate/jpa/db/sql dependencies exactly like this to a new “core-persistence” module.

I know: it is a super easy and trivial example. What about really mean and complex scenarios? Will it work? Is this a good idea at all?


A primitive POC is under development and at first I will create a simple plugin for IntelliJ IDEA around it. It will be publish on GitHub soon!

SonarQube and C#: drill down results of test cases

The sparkling blue of the Adriatic has gone but the brown skin and memory remains. This year we focused on Istria: Pula, Mali Lošinj and Osor. Sailing this region of Croatia and the island hopping with a Hanse 385 Cruiser was a perfect summer adventure.
But the vacation is over and now I am heading from Budapest back to Zürich on the ÖBB Railjet 162: plenty of time to prepare this post!


The Question

I cloned then opened a command prompt under SonarSource/sonar-examples/tree/master/projects/languages/csharp and ran the following commands (based on Unit Test Execution Results Import (C#, VB.NET)):

MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /k:"org.sonarqube:csharp-simple-sq-scanner-msbuild" /n:"C# :: Simple Project :: SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild" /v:"1.0" /d:sonar.cs.xunit.reportsPaths="%CD%\XUnitResults.xml"
MSBuild.exe /t:Rebuild   
packages\xunit.runner.console.2.1.0\tools\xunit.console.exe XUnitProject1\bin\Debug\XUnitProject1.dll -xml %CD%\XUnitResults.xml
MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end

Under metric/tests/list I get “Unit Tests 1” and that is OK but beneath it the list is empty:


I simply did not understand why I was not able to drill down the test results of this C# project. I found nothing suspicious in the logs:

INFO: Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpUnitTestResultsProvider$CSharpUnitTestResultsImportSensor
INFO: Parsing the XUnit Test Results file C:\workspace\SonarSource-sonar-examples-92828b2\projects\languages\csharp\XUnitResults.xml
INFO: Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpUnitTestResultsProvider$CSharpUnitTestResultsImportSensor (done) | time=15ms

It bothered me so much I asked around on the official SonarQube mailing list too. I got one response… at least I was not alone with the issue. It is more than nothing. I gave Stack Overflow a chance too but no luck so I started to do the dirty job.


The Investigation

Comparing the JSON responses

I re-used two very simple projects with the help of SonarSource/sonar-examples: a Java and a C# one. I pushed the results of both to a local SonarQube instance and then compared the JSON responses.






Wrong way. The data is just not there thus it can not be a UI bug.


Debugging the backend

I cloned the Git project of SonarQube and opened it with IntelliJ IDEA.

Starting the Sonar instance in debug was easy:

%SONAR%/conf/wrapper.conf: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044


sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1045

After debugging the pits of hell I got the feeling that the backend is somehow OK but the required data is just not there.


Analyzing the C# plugin

What about SonarQube’s C# plugin? I read the docs and found something:

Drilldown on Test Execution Results is not supported
Tests execution results will be displayed on project level dashboards.

Gotcha! From this point the events sped up:

It is not a bug or configuration issue. I posted my findings to the Stack Overflow and to the mailing list too.



I keep my eyes open and watching these open tickets and mailing lists.



  • SONARCS-657 – Import test cases and attach them to their corresponding test source files (allow to drill down) – Closed and Won’t fix

An another IT blog

I recently published my first question on Stack Overflow. Circa one month passed and it is still without a single comment or up-vote. Fortunately someone on the product related mailing list confirmed my belief that I am not alone with the issue.

But… Why is this blog created? I am dedicated to dig into the deep of the problem and then solve it.

I will share The Question with you and then the current state of the analysis periodically until the issue is gone. Maybe the product is working fine and I am doing just something stupid. Who knows? I definitely expect an exciting journey!